Domestic violence is a pervasive issue affecting millions of individuals worldwide, cutting across cultural, economic, and social...
Covert abuse, also known as subtle or hidden abuse, is often difficult to identify because it is...
Abuse victims often face complex barriers that prevent them from leaving their abusers. The decision to stay...
Emily had always been a bright and independent woman, but over time, her relationship with Tom began...
These tactics create a pervasive atmosphere of control, fear, and dependence, making it difficult for the victim...
Covert abuse, also known as subtle or psychological abuse, often involves manipulation, control, and emotional harm without...
View the Mandarin/Cantonese video interview here:点击此处观看普通话/广东话访谈影片: 在2023年9月,上帝给牧师看到异象, 看到失踪的诈骗集团受害者J弟兄已搭乘飞机抵达飞机场,2023年12月回国服事神!这真的如此发生! 😮 God gave a Pastor a vision in...
为什么我们更善于处理罪恶而不是苦难?这通常不是因为我们缺乏同情心,而是因为我们不喜欢失控的感觉,我们也缺乏训练。当我们服侍那些受苦的人时,我们往往不知道下一步该告诉他们做什么。我们感到无力和无知。本学习将带领我们深入了解我们无法控制的领域,以及事工领袖需要更多培训的领域。Why are we more skilled at addressing sin than suffering? It is usually not because we lack...
“教会对虐待的回应是以福音为基础的吗?要回答这个问题,我们必须认识到,福音邀请罪人通过悔改在基督里找到宽恕,也邀请受苦者在安慰者那里找到避难所,逃离残酷、破碎的环境。“The church’s response to abuse is grounded in the gospel”? To answer this question we must realize...
更多,请点阅: 强迫饶恕”的危险