God’s Love is for even unrepentant Israel, and He is willing even to invite them into the New (Marriage) Covenant. Only God can wash away our sins, and make us spotless a spotless bride (Ephesians 5:27). But, sometimes, we overemphasize King David’s sin, as if that is a reason for God to reject King David as king, while God actually displayed His immense Love and acceptance for the repentant. (Read Psalms 103:10-13) 上帝的爱甚至包括未悔改的以色列人,祂甚至愿意邀请他们加入新约(的婚姻)。只有上帝才能洗净我们的罪,使我们毫无玷污 (以弗所书 5:27)。 但有时,我们过于强调大卫王的罪,似乎这就是上帝拒绝大卫王作王的理由,而实际上,上帝对悔改的人展示了祂无尽的爱和接纳。(阅读诗篇 103:10-13)
10 He does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
10 祂不按我们的罪孽对待我们
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is His love for those who fear Him;
11 天离地有多高,
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
12 东离西有多远,
13 As a father has compassion on His children,
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him…
13 父亲怎样怜恤儿子,
So great is His Love that He purposely chose a woman who had multiple marriages and now a live-in boyfriend, to become a spokesperson for Jesus in Samaria. (John 4) (He could have chosen a local religious Samarian.) So great is His Love that He purposely put on display Rahab the ex-prostitute among the hall of fame of faith, the only one of two ladies mentioned (Hebrews 11). 祂的爱如此伟大,以至于祂特意选择了一个曾多次结婚、且当时有同居男友的人作为耶稣在撒玛利亚的代言人(约翰福音第 4 章)(祂本可以选择一个当地信教的撒玛利亚人)。祂的爱如此伟大,以至于祂特意将前妓女喇合放在信心名人堂中展示,这是被提及的两位女士中唯一的一位(希伯来书 11 章)。
At Jesus’ death on the Cross, with two wicked people crucified on His side, He ultimately showed that those who were wicked enough to be crucified on the Cross, can partake of His New (Marriage) Covenant blessings, but, the key is repentance. (cf. also Matthew 3:7ff) But, even if they are of good pedigree, with no major faults in their lives, they miss the opportunity if they think they are Abraham’s children, but, have no fruits of repentance. (Bear fruits in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham. Luke 3:8) 耶稣死在十字架上,有两个恶人被钉在祂的身边,祂最终表明,那些恶毒到被钉在十字架上的人也可以分享祂的新约(婚姻)祝福,但关键在于悔改。(参见马太福音 3:7 及以下)但是,即使他们血统良好,生活中没有重大过错,但如果他们认为自己是亚伯拉罕的子孙,却没有悔改的果实,他们就错过机会了。(要结出与悔改相符的果子。你们心里不要说:『我们有亚伯拉罕作我们的祖宗。』我告诉你们, 神能从这些石头中给亚伯拉罕兴起後裔来。路加福音 3:8)
God has surprised many over and over in the course of history by choosing those people whom most would disqualify as leaders to be leaders. I don’t think a godly spiritual leader is one who never went through failures, (even major ones), but, a godly leader is one who is truly dependent on God, and leads others to God and His Truth. There were many people that God used and is still using who had failures in the past, but, who are greatly used by God to be a blessing to others, even in leadership…. because God saw their willingness to yield to Him. He looks for repentant hearts. God is seeking for those who are after His own heart. (https://www.gotquestions.org/man-after-God-heart.html) 在历史中,神一次又一次地拣选了那些被大多数人认为没有资格成为领袖的人成为领袖,这让许多人感到惊讶。我不认为一个敬虔的属灵领袖是一个从未经历过失败(甚至是重大失败)的人,但是,一个敬虔的领袖是一个真正依靠神、带领他人归向神和祂的真理的人。神曾经使用过许多过去曾经失败过人,而且现在仍然在使用他们。他们被神大大地使用,成为别人的祝福,甚至在领导方面….,因为神看到他们愿意向祂屈服。祂寻找悔改的心。上帝在寻找那些合祂心意的人。 (https://www.gotquestions.org/man-after-God-heart.html)
There is a reason why God is proud to choose David as King, and called David a “man after His own heart”. (Read 1 Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22). Even after King David failed morally in a tragic way, yet God never said that He regretted choosing David as king. King David committed adultery and killed the innocent (for the unrepentant of both sins, this is worthy of stoning to death in the Old Testament), yet God never said He regretted choosing David. In fact, God was proud to put David on display as a model of a man after God’s Heart. The key was that King David was genuinely repentant, but, not Saul. (Psalms 51) 上帝以选择大卫为王为荣,称大卫为 “合祂心意的人 “是有原因的。(请阅读撒母耳记上13:14;使徒行传13:22)。即使大卫王在道德上以悲惨的方式失败了,上帝也从未说过他后悔选择大卫为王。大卫王犯了奸淫罪和滥杀无辜罪(在旧约中,对于这两种罪都不悔改的人,是要被石头砸死的)。但上帝从未说过祂后悔选择了大卫。事实上,上帝很自豪地将大卫作为遵从上帝心意的人的典范。关键在于大卫王是真心悔改,但扫罗不是。(诗篇 51)
Surprisingly, God says He regretted choosing Saul who never killed the innocent nor committed adultery, because Saul’s repentance was not genuine; Saul wasn’t a person after God’s Heart, Saul cared less about what God thinks, while he cares more about what he and others’ think. (1 Samuel 15:30) 令人惊讶的是,上帝说祂后悔拣选了从未滥杀无辜者,也未犯奸淫的扫罗,因为扫罗的悔改不是真心的;扫罗不是一个合乎上帝心意的人,扫罗不在乎上帝的想法,而他更在乎自己和别人的想法。(撒母耳记上 15:30)
King David and the Samaritan woman have similarities. They were chosen for their heart-felt genuine eagerness to please God (a person after God’s heart, a mark of a repentant person). 大卫王和撒玛利亚妇人有相似之处。他们之所以被选中,是因为他们发自内心地渴望讨神的喜悦(合神心意的人,是悔改之人的标志)。
King Saul and the Pharisees have similarities. They have an outward appearance of godliness/insincere repentance (1 Sam 15:10-35; 2 Tim 3:5; Matt 3:6ff) but denying the power of God. 扫罗王和法利赛人有相似之处。他们外表看似敬虔或真心悔改(参撒上 15:10-35;提后 3:5;马太福音 3:6),却确实没有,他们否认神的大能。