(Written in 2011) Dearest ……, “The media sees what is wrong with the world and exposes it;...
I love this quote from an exgay: “I have learned that two men can love each other...
Psalms 68:5-65 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.6...
“Into me see….” Using a play of sounds, this phrase aptly describes a major part of what...
No, I’m not thinking along the lines of self inflicted flagellation, or meaningless pain…But, if even Jesus our...
Teach me to rest, Lord Teach me to lie down in your warm embrace… to allow Your...
For quite some time in the past, I’ve wondered about this verse: No one has ever seen...
The Son of Man is a friend of sinners… Wisdom is proved right by all her actions...
She chose to draw water at midday–when the sun was shining brightly, and the heat unbearable for...