I love this quote from an exgay: “I have learned that two men can love each other profoundly while remaining clothed the entire time. We are told that the Church opposes same sex love. Not true. The Church opposes homogenital sex, which in my experience is not about love, but about obsession, addiction, and compensation for a compromised masculinity.” (http://goo.gl/IDCeIe)
People who haven’t learned to connect deeply with others find a false sense of love, intimacy, and acceptance when they have sex with someone whom they are not married to. But, if that were true love, intimacy, and acceptance, that would eliminate the need for searching for other sexual partners, wouldn’t it? But, for those that connect with others primarily in that way, they would never find satisfaction, and would have to search for more ways to feed the false sense of intimacy through porn or more sexual relationships with others. But, more people need to understand that the real cure for homosexual relationships (or heterosexual relationships that are not of God) is not avoidance of intimacy, but, the building of true intimate relationships that is spiritually and emotionally satisfying, which is a fulfillment of loving God and others (Galatians 5:14).
When we don’t love God first, and then love others deeply, based on God’s revealed Truth, then we have all kinds of disordered love. When we have our passion in the right priority, then, all else falls into place.
We desire intimacy and love, because we are wired that way, reflecting God’s image (Genesis 1;27). But, sexual connection is but just a way of connecting with another. The only proper place for sex is in marriage! Even on earth, sex is not be all and end all for those who find true fulfillment in terms of intimacy, in fact, it is not even needed for true intimacy. We don’t even need sex in heaven!!!!!!! (Matthew 22:30) Jesus, Paul, and many other men and women of God were unmarried. But, they still had intimate relationships with others. And, intimate relationships will continue on in heaven! Intimacy is described here: a friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24), and person that loves to an extent that they self-sacrifice for the good of the other (John 15:13)! We can’t live emotionally detached from others on this earth or in heaven if we are to be intimate!!! ~Lilian Yap (July 22, 2015)