“教会对虐待的回应是以福音为基础的吗?要回答这个问题,我们必须认识到,福音邀请罪人通过悔改在基督里找到宽恕,也邀请受苦者在安慰者那里找到避难所,逃离残酷、破碎的环境。“The church’s response to abuse is grounded in the gospel”? To answer this question we must realize that the gospel invites the sinner to find forgiveness in Christ through repentance and it also invites the sufferer to find refuge in the Comforter from a harsh, broken world.
我们的重点是 (a) 评估受害者的安全,(b) 评估是否发生了犯罪行为,或 (c) 帮助受害者了解被虐待的影响。We focus on getting the destructive person to simply stop their abusive actions more than: (a) assessing the safety of the victim, (b) evaluating whether a criminal act took place, or (c) helping the victim understand the impact of being abused.
萨曼莎-基尔帕特里克 作为一名律师和倡导者,”正义 “是我经常使用的一个词,但它似乎在应对虐待的过程中被遗忘了。我们必须将福音视为不仅仅是宽恕。福音更深、更广。它关乎救赎,也关乎日常生活–关乎希望和正义。箴言31:8 指引着我的工作;它敦促我们 “你要为不能自辩的人开口说话,为所有贫苦的人伸冤 (伸张正义)”。我们所侍奉的救主将光明带入黑暗之地–虐待就是一个黑暗之地,是撒旦通过增加羞耻感和疑虑而兴风作浪的地方。我们优先考虑受害者的痛苦,证实他们的故事和所遭受的罪恶,并成为他们的避难所和安全港,从而为这些地方带来光明–福音。Samantha Kilpatrick: As an attorney and advocate, justice is a word I use often, but it seems to get lost in the response to abuse. We must view the gospel as more than just forgiveness. The gospel goes deeper and wider. It is about salvation, but also about day-to-day living—about hope and justice. Proverbs 31:8 has guided my work; it urges us to “Speak up for those who have no voice; seek justice for those on the verge of destruction. We serve a Savior who brings light into dark places—abuse is a dark place, a place where Satan can thrive by multiplying shame and doubt. We bring light—the gospel—to these places by prioritizing the suffering of victims, by validating their stories and the sin that has been perpetrated against them, and by being a refuge and safe haven.
达比-斯特里克兰: 我们需要记住,上帝不仅将祂的子民从他们自己的罪恶中拯救出来,也将他们从不公不义中拯救出来。当上帝在燃烧的荆棘中对摩西说话时,祂说:”我是你们列祖的上帝,我已经观察到我百姓的苦难,我已经听到他们因压迫他们的人而发出的呼喊。我知道他们的苦难,所以降世拯救他们”。上帝向祂的子民介绍自己是他们的拯救者和保护者。上帝在圣经中一再要求祂的子民为正义和公义而努力。这就是我们作为上帝的敬拜者所要成为的人,一个伸张正义的人。上帝呼召我们对抗压迫,同时也为弱势群体提供保护和关怀。我们看到耶稣在做这些事情。祂认同无权无势的人,支持他们的事业,反对那些伤害弱势群体的人。这就是我们要成为的人,拯救者和保护者。Darby Strickland: We need to remember that God delivers His people not just from their own sin but also from injustices. When God speaks to Moses out of the burning bush, He says “I am the God of your fathers, I have observed the misery of my people, I have heard their cry on account of their oppressors. I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them.” God introduces Himself to His people as their deliverer and protector. God asks His people repeatedly in Scripture to work for justice and righteous-ness. This is who we, as worshippers of God, are told to be, people who do justice. God calls us to confront oppression but also to provide protection and care for the vulnerable. We see Jesus doing these things. He identifies with the powerless, takes up their cause, and stands against those who do harm to the vulnerable. This is who we are to be, deliverers and protectors.
黛安-兰伯格: 当我们不为受虐待和受压迫的人服务时,我们就没有跟随我们的头(耶稣)。不跟随头的身体是一个生病的身体。当我们远离那些在我们中间或其他地方受到虐待的人时,我们就选择了重视其他人事物,而不是爱和顺服我们的上帝。上帝呼召我们去照顾那些受苦和需要帮助的人;去抚慰破碎的心灵,去释放被俘虏的人。这种基督式的工作不仅能为受虐者带来希望和医治。我们在这一领域对上帝的爱与顺服也会改变我们的生活,让我们变得更像耶稣基督。Diane Langberg: When we fail to serve the abused and oppressed, we fail to follow our Head. A body that does not follow its head is a sick body. When we turn from those who have been abused—in our midst or elsewhere—we have chosen to value something else more than love and obedience to our God. We are called by God to care for those who are afflicted and needy; to tend broken hearts and to release the captives. Such Christ-like work not only brings hope and healing to the abused. Our loving obedience to God in this arena is also transformative in our lives as we become more like Jesus Christ.Andrea Munford:在执法过程中,我们经常引用箴言 28:1:”恶人无人追赶,就逃跑;义人却像狮子一样勇猛” (直译)。Andrea Munford: In law enforcement, we often quote Proverbs 28:1, “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion” (kjv).
与关怀事工一样,从事警察工作的人之所以选择这一职业,是因为他们感到有一种呼召,要为那些受虐待、受压迫、被忽视或恐惧的人服务。警察工作是上帝的工作。在霍尔曼基督教标准《警官圣经》中,释经者告诉我们:”上帝创造了三个机构:家庭、教会和政府……。……政府的使命之一就是抑制邪恶”。罗马书13:1-2告诉我们:”人人都必须顺服掌权的,因为除了神以外,没有别的权柄,而现存的权柄都是神所设立的。所以,抵挡权柄的人,就是抵挡神的命令;抵挡神命令的人,必自取审判”(希伯来书)。当有人虐待或压迫他人,从而犯下罪行时,执法人员就是追究罪犯责任并保护受害者的调查人员。Much like ministry care, those in police work choose that profession because they feel a calling to serve those who are abused, oppressed, ignored, or afraid. Police work is God’s work. In the Holman Christian Standard’s P olice Officer’s Bible, the commentator tells us, “God created three institutions: the family, the church, and the government . . . and part of the mission of govern-ment is to restrain evil.” Romans 13:1–2 tells us, “Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except God, and those that exist are instituted by God. So then, the one who resists authority is opposing God’s command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on them-selves” (hcsb). When someone abuses or oppresses another in so committing a crime, law enforcement officers are the investigators that hold offenders accountable and protect those who have been harmed.
克里斯-莫尔斯: 因为人是按照上帝的形象造的,所以各种形式的虐待都是魔鬼对上帝对人和人际关系的明确设计的扭曲。现在,我们(教会)应该遵循上帝的明确授权,关爱受压迫者,以爱和谦卑的态度面对并纠正压迫者。教会可以成为弱势者更安全的地方,成为不允许施虐者继续施虐的地方。以赛亚书1:17 说:”学习行善;寻求公平,解救受欺压的;为孤儿伸冤,为寡妇辩护”。Chris Moles: Because people are made in the image of God, abuse in all its forms represent demonic distortions of God’s clear design for people and relationships. It’s past time that we (the church) follow God’s clear mandate to care for the oppressed and to lovingly and humbly confront and correct oppressors. The church can become a safer place for the vulnerable, and a place where abusive people will not be allowed to continue their abuse. Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause” (esv).
Hambrick, B. (2019). Becoming a church that cares well for the abused handbook. B & H Publishing.