When adoption agencies assess potential adoptive parents, they typically ask a wide range of questions to ensure...
为什么我们更善于处理罪恶而不是苦难?这通常不是因为我们缺乏同情心,而是因为我们不喜欢失控的感觉,我们也缺乏训练。当我们服侍那些受苦的人时,我们往往不知道下一步该告诉他们做什么。我们感到无力和无知。本学习将带领我们深入了解我们无法控制的领域,以及事工领袖需要更多培训的领域。Why are we more skilled at addressing sin than suffering? It is usually not because we lack...
《海底捞针 上帝拯救》 诈骗集团受害者家属见证 │L姐妹&管医生牧师夫妇 Finding a Needle in a Haystack, God Saves: Testimony from (spiritual) family members...
I think most Christians agree that if an innocent spouse is abandoned by a sinful spouse due...
God’s Love is for even unrepentant Israel, and He is willing even to invite them into the...
This video is Part One which covers Biblical Divorce. 本视频为第一部分,涵盖符合圣经的离婚。 The next video Part Two covers Biblical...
To many, the New Testaments teaching on divorce and remarriage seems to be both impractical and unfair....
“David Instone-Brewer is one of today’s foremost scholars on first-century Judaism and its bearing on the New...
Divorce and Remarriage in the Church by Rev Dr David Instone-Brewer 大卫-因斯通-布鲁尔牧师博士著作的《教会中的离婚与再婚》(暂译)

Divorce and Remarriage in the Church by Rev Dr David Instone-Brewer 大卫-因斯通-布鲁尔牧师博士著作的《教会中的离婚与再婚》(暂译)
About Divorce and Remarriage in the Church (Paternoster, 2003)关于 《教会中的离婚与再婚》(暂译)(Paternoster,2003 年) *书中的信息:The message of the book:* 《圣经》是上帝留给世世代代的话语,我们必须将它...
Four days after his baptism, after twelve and a half years (12.5 years) of bankruptcy, the Singapore...