Covert abuse, also known as subtle or psychological abuse, often involves manipulation, control, and emotional harm without...
Remarriage Matters
“教会对虐待的回应是以福音为基础的吗?要回答这个问题,我们必须认识到,福音邀请罪人通过悔改在基督里找到宽恕,也邀请受苦者在安慰者那里找到避难所,逃离残酷、破碎的环境。“The church’s response to abuse is grounded in the gospel”? To answer this question we must realize...
I think most Christians agree that if an innocent spouse is abandoned by a sinful spouse due...
God’s Love is for even unrepentant Israel, and He is willing even to invite them into the...
Reading the Scriptures, someone commented that since God divorced Israel (Jeremiah 3:8), then, God is also a...
There is an important lesson we should learn from the Lord’s example: patience and longsuffering. Because a...
This video is Part One which covers Biblical Divorce. 本视频为第一部分,涵盖符合圣经的离婚。 The next video Part Two covers Biblical...
To many, the New Testaments teaching on divorce and remarriage seems to be both impractical and unfair....
“David Instone-Brewer is one of today’s foremost scholars on first-century Judaism and its bearing on the New...
Unless you have been there, it is hard to understand the hurt that comes from separation and...